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Sever Information

We’re thrilled to have you join our vibrant community, whether you’re a seasoned warrior or a newcomer. Discover unique gameplay features and exciting events that will elevate your experience. Get ready for epic quests, new friendships, and unforgettable adventures. Dive in and let the journey begin—happy gaming!

General Information

Server Version Season 19 Part 2-3
Experience 5x (Progressive)
Drop 50%
Spots 5~7 mobs
Server Files IGC-Network
Account per PC Limit 10 accounts
All classes can be created at Level 1
Offlevel Time 24 hours
(1) Slow Server without resets where being active gives you advantage over AFK in spots.
(2) No Alts advantage. Offlevel doesnt pick jewels. Exp buffs nerfed.

Server Experience

Season Max Level Duration
Season 1 Lv. 400 3 weeks
Season 2 Lv. 600 4 weeks
Season 3 Lv. 800 4 weeks
(1) Get a ready to PvP character within just 3 weeks of playing and enjoy your favorite class in PvP and PvE events.
(2) Duration refers to playing time to reach that level. Time may vary according to your gameplay style.


We offer a full lineup of active, well-configured events that reward players generously. Enjoy thrilling PvP and engaging PvM challenges, all designed for balance and maximum fun. Join us and reap fantastic rewards while diving into the excitement of MU Online!

List of Events

Devil Square Blood Castle Chaos Castle
Illusion Temple Maze of Dimension Imperial Fortress
Boss Battle Together Loren Deep World Bosses
Arka War Castle Siege Ice Valley Castle
(1) Earn rewards like ruuds, jewels and elemental runes playing in Event Square.
(2) PvP events every week for your entretainment with amazing rewards for guild participation.

List of Invasions

White Wizard Red Dragon Death King
Golden Monsters Egg Monsters Evomon
Mini-bosses Elites Monsters Bosses
(1) Hunting invasions is the best way to get lots of jewels and special items.
(2) Obtain Goblin Points by killing invasion monsters to purchase exclusive items in our xshop for FREE

Item Enhancement Rates

Our server rates are designed to give players great chances to improve their equipment while maintaining the market value of jewels. With balanced success rates for item enhancements and crafting, gameplay becomes more rewarding and engaging. Dive in, experience the thrill of progression, and enjoy a vibrant community that celebrates the classic MU Online adventure!

Jewel Rates

Jewel of Bless 100%
Jewel of Soul 60%
Jewel of Life 50%
Mysterious Stone 80%
Dark Jewels 80%
(1) Obtain jewels hunting Bosses & mini-bosses.
(2) Jewel Drop from monster is possible but at lower rate

Chaos Machine

Item +10 60%
Item +11 60%
Item +12 55%
Item +13 55%
Item +14 50%
Item +15 45%
(1) Success rate increases +25% for any item with +Luck.
(2) Talisman of Luck gives up to 10% additional success.

Errtels Upgrade

Rank 1 90% - 0% (every level upgraded)
Rank 2 85% - 4% (every level upgraded)
Rank 3 90% - 0% (every level upgraded)
Radiance 75% - 2% (every level upgraded)
Mastery 75% - 5% (every 2 level upgraded)
(1) Highly recommended to use Elemental Talisman of Luck to enhance normal errtels where cost is only zen.
(2) Elemental Talisman of Chaos Assembly is recommended for errtel of radiance to perserve a good option in case of failure.

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